So what is this all about, well it seems we have all been batteling it out for the same girl. Just taking her out on sunday, matthaius on Monday and Phil on Tuesday. Ho bag or good girl, that question still remains unanswered. -
Bets on and here we go........
Ok Guys lets make this a fair game, so lets all try to follow these rules and we all can have some fun.
1. To ensure we all get a fair crack, we must share. We all get a two day allocation as follows; Just - Sunday and Wednesday. Matthaius - Monday and Friday. Phil - Tuesday and Thursday.
2.Saturday will remain free for special events- if she is shopping or there is football on then this dall is null and void.
3.No lyeing, for example if Phil says to Matthaius that her favourite film is Elmo in Grouchland and it actually is Nottinghill this will be classed as fowl play and your allocation for the week will be disabled and shared by the exixting other players.
4.Cleanliness, self explanitory. I.e. Matthaius does not want to taste some of Phils potential children.
5. Limited to two in pinky and one in stinky to ensure we all get good consistant fun.
6. Adding additional players has to be first qualified by all existing players.
7. However, the only exception to this rule is the addition of new females. - Mums cannot be envolved.
8. All video footage must be collaborated and shared with all existing players. - This may be burned on to CD and added to the christmas box set.
Rules may change and new rules may be added.
Rules are not made to be broken, they are here to be abused.
Enjoy your fun and share with the community.
Guys please remember that this is cockblocking at the highest level; please review rule 8 of your manual.
8. The Best Friend
(Warning Color Code: Yellow-Bellied Amorphous Yellow)
Tools: “Always there” (awww). Has been listening to her bitch about you since the beginning of your relationship. Has put in tons of hours into trying to get laid.
What to look for: The guy who’s at her apartment when you’re not. Lack of a spine (which is luckily pretty obvious to spot…look for an amorphous blob on the floor, putting together a scrapbook).
Hints your girlfriend might be going to him:
“Justin (or an equally plausible spineless-bastard name) bought me these cute flowers/stuffed animals/earrings/panties today.”