Sunday, February 11, 2007

Weekend Madness

Greetings and Salutations guys and girls! Well what a weekend it has been, a lot to report, shame and praise, its hard to know where to begin. So let start with some shaming - well this one is straight forward, our man Stu or Unit depending if your related to him or not. Unit was a disgrace on the back of a friday night, he chundered in his bed.
Up Next we have young Royston, now what is his crime I hear you ask? Well he is off to Thailand soon and we wish him well, however he does need a haircut and a bath.

So where next, Matthaius is here again and what has the young lad done now? Well simple... he was all over a chunk in the rock friday night, well lets hope the fun was worth it! Check out the size of her hand! Quality work Matthaius.

Now every now and again there is a quality girl who is good value. At christmas we had Kirsten, the girl in chicago rock who danced on tables and flashed at old men. On Friday we had Kaz, now after telling us she was married she came out with some filthy words, some footage added below - awesome good work lads.

Next up we have Sainsey. Prior to this event he was picking up girls in the chuch, after sucessfully making a mess of Mcmillan, Sainsey was back on it making a nuisance of himself. Watch the video - classic. Shamefully Mcmillan was rather subdued and lack of action here make current disgrace of the month front runner Collo still listed as odds on favourite.

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